Consider avoiding viewport values that prevent users from resizing documents.
The “border” attribute is obsolete. Consider specifying “img { border: 0; }” in CSS instead.
The “language” attribute on the “script” element is obsolete. You can safely omit it.
Bad value “26px” for attribute “width” on element “img”: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead.
Bad value “26px” for attribute “height” on element “img”: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead.
An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.
Bad value “https://bs.serving-sys.com/Serving/adServer.bs?c=28&cn=display&pli=1074273093&w=728&h=90&ord=[timestamp]&z=0” for attribute “src” on element “script”: Illegal character in query: “[” is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=El CGM no pudo con el tránsito en la Avenida Rivera - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74810_el-cgm-no-pudo-con-el-transito-en-la-avenida-rivera” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=El CGM no pudo con el tránsito en la Avenida Rivera” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Brasil le ganó a Costa Rica con dos goles en los descuentos - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74870_brasil-le-gano-a-costa-rica-con-dos-goles-en-los-descuentos” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Brasil le ganó a Costa Rica con dos goles en los descuentos” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Mujica visitó a Lula: “puede estar preso el cuerpo pero la causa nunca está presa”” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Un error de Caballero y el planteo de Sampaoli dejan a Argentina al borde del abismo” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Investigan consumo de brownies con marihuana en la Dinama durante partido de Uruguay” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Movilización en España contra la liberación de “La Manada” - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74868_movilizacion-en-espana-contra-la-liberacion-de-la-manada” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Movilización en España contra la liberación de “La Manada”” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Liceales jurando la bandera, un acto al menos “ilegal” - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74822_liceales-jurando-la-bandera-un-acto-al-menos-ilegal” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Liceales jurando la bandera, un acto al menos “ilegal”” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=“En mí lo primero que hay es un espectador” - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74863_en-mi-lo-primero-que-hay-es-un-espectador” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=“En mí lo primero que hay es un espectador”” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
End tag “section” seen, but there were open elements.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Uruguay buscará ante Rusia “un fútbol mucho más vertical” - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74869_uruguay-buscara-ante-rusia-un-futbol-mucho-mas-vertical” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Uruguay buscará ante Rusia “un fútbol mucho más vertical”” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
End tag “div” seen, but there were open elements.
Unclosed element “section”.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=La Eurozona pone fin a la crisis en Grecia, que saluda “acuerdo histórico”” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Este invierno sería más cálido que el promedio - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74824_este-invierno-seria-mas-calido-que-el-promedio” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Este invierno sería más cálido que el promedio” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Asediado, Trump firma decreto para dejar de separar familias migrantes” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Responsable de prensa del Ministerio del Interior advierte por “triste récord de violencia” en 2018” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Argentina respira: Nigeria le ganó a Islandia - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74874_argentina-respira-nigeria-le-gano-a-islandia” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Argentina respira: Nigeria le ganó a Islandia” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Buenos Muchachos, Cuarteto de Nos y NTVG encabezan nominaciones a los Graffiti” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Sampaoli pidió disculpas - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74865_sampaoli-pidio-disculpas” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Sampaoli pidió disculpas” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Se terminó el sueño mundialista de Perú - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74861_se-termino-el-sueno-mundialista-de-peru” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Se terminó el sueño mundialista de Perú” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Murió Koko, la famosa gorila californiana que hablaba el lenguaje de signos” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Dinamarca se acerca a octavos tras empatar 1-1 contra Australia - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74860_dinamarca-se-acerca-a-octavos-tras-empatar-1-1-contra-australia” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Dinamarca se acerca a octavos tras empatar 1-1 contra Australia” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Asadito para festejar la clasificación a octavos - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74859_asadito-para-festejar-a-clasificacion-a-octavos” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Asadito para festejar la clasificación a octavos” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Un fallo judicial prohibe matar perros para comer su carne en Corea del Sur” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Blatter desea que una candidatura británica logre la sede del Mundial 2030” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://bs.serving-sys.com/Serving/adServer.bs?c=28&cn=display&pli=1074273094&w=300&h=250&ord=[timestamp]&z=10000” for attribute “src” on element “script”: Illegal character in query: “[” is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Cunha estrenó el VAR, la herramienta “para hacer justicia” en el fútbol” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Cantidad de Venezolanos que llegan a Uruguay sigue multiplicándose - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74680_cantidad-de-venezolanos-que-llegan-a-uruguay-sigue-multiplicandose” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Cantidad de Venezolanos que llegan a Uruguay sigue multiplicándose” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=“El puerto de aguas profundas tiene que ser como la selección uruguaya”” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Acuerdan criterios para etiquetado de alimentos a nivel Mercosur - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74856_acuerdan-criterios-para-etiquetado-de-alimentos-a-nivel-mercosur” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Acuerdan criterios para etiquetado de alimentos a nivel Mercosur” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Ayudan a estudiar a los presos y quieren “que les vaya bien” - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74638_ayudan-a-estudiar-a-los-presos-y-quieren-que-les-vaya-bien” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Ayudan a estudiar a los presos y quieren “que les vaya bien”” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Cuidado, jóvenes trabajando - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74857_cuidado-jovenes-trabajando” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Cuidado, jóvenes trabajando” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Trabajo seguro y saludable para los jóvenes - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74821_trabajo-seguro-y-saludable-para-los-jovenes” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Trabajo seguro y saludable para los jóvenes” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “whatsapp://send?text=Este Mundial, medí tu Orgumildad - https://www.180.com.uy/articulo/74820_este-mundial-medi-tu-orgumildad” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “https://twitter.com/share?text=Este Mundial, medí tu Orgumildad” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.