KeyCRM – CRM система для бизнеса | Украинская СРМ система
KeyCRM – украинская CRM-система для малого, среднего и крупного бизнеса ⚡ Общение с клиентами, торговля, сфера услуг, складской учет ⭐ Встроенная ин...
Server IP address resolved: Yes Http response code: 200 Response time: 1.84 sec. Last Checked: 03/19/2025 traffic volume is 199 unique daily visitors and their 557 pageviews. The web value rate of is 6,249 USD.
Each visitor makes around 3.00 page views on average.
By Alexa's traffic estimates placed at 31,296 position over the world, while the largest amount of its visitors comes from Ukraine, where it takes 14,380 place. registered under .APP top-level domain. Check other websites in .APP zone.
The last verification results, performed on (March 01, 2025) show that
has a valid and up-to-date SSL certificate
issued by Let's Encrypt
expiring on May 16, 2025.
Click “Refresh” button for SSL Information at the Safety Information section.
Check the list of websites using SSL certificates issued by Let's Encrypt.
In accordance with
Google Safe Browsing and Symantec is pretty a safe domain.
Unknown status.We gather website safety and reputation data and compare it with available third-party sources so we calculate own safety and trustworthiness rate based on information that we get.
Norton Connect Safe
Last Updated: 02/10/2025 is safe.
Norton ConnectSafe evaluates for any unsafe and insecure content. The results are critical for families with young children.
Google Safe Search
Last Updated: 03/19/2025
Not yet checked.
SafeSearch is used as a parental control tool to filter out any inappropriate for your children search results on your devices: phones, tablets or personal computers.
Google Safe Browsing
Last Updated: 10/10/2020 is safe.
Malware: not found.
Phishing: not detected.
Unwanted software: not found.
Harmfull applications: not found.
Google Safe Browsing notifies when websites are compromised by malicious actors. These protections work across Google products and provide a safer online experience.
Site Advisor
Last Updated: 10/10/2020
Unknown status.
McAfee assesses for a meaningful set of security threats. Featured dangers from annoying pop-ups to hidden Trojans, that can steal your identity, will be revealed. McAfee does not analyze for mature or inappropriate content, only security checks are evaluated.
Web of Trust
Last Updated: 03/19/2025 child safety is
The WOT calculates reputation of the This reputation system receives ratings from users and information from third-party sources, assesses the for safety features and confirms, whether is suitable for children.
ASN ID: 396982
Last Update: 07/16/2024
ASN Whois
# # ARIN WHOIS data and services are subject to the Terms of Use # available at: # # If you see inaccuracies in the results, please report at # # # Copyright 1997-2019, American Registry for Internet Numbers, Ltd. #
ASNumber: 396982 ASName: GOOGLE-PRIVATE-CLOUD ASHandle: AS396982 RegDate: 2018-08-15 Updated: 2018-08-15 Comment: *** This ASN is used for Google Private Cloud *** Comment: Comment: Direct all copyright and legal complaints to Comment: Comment: Comment: Direct all spam and abuse complaints to Comment: Comment: Comment: For fastest response, use the relevant forms above. Comment: Comment: Complaints can also be sent to the GC Abuse desk Comment: ( Comment: but may have longer turnaround times. Comment: Comment: Complaints sent to any other POC will be ignored. Ref:
OrgName: Google LLC OrgId: GOOGL-2 Address: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway City: Mountain View StateProv: CA PostalCode: 94043 Country: US RegDate: 2006-09-29 Updated: 2017-12-21 Comment: *** The IP addresses under this Org-ID are in use by Google Cloud customers *** Comment: Comment: Direct all copyright and legal complaints to Comment: Comment: Comment: Direct all spam and abuse complaints to Comment: Comment: Comment: For fastest response, use the relevant forms above. Comment: Comment: Complaints can also be sent to the GC Abuse desk Comment: ( Comment: but may have longer turnaround times. Comment: Comment: Complaints sent to any other POC will be ignored. Ref:
# # ARIN WHOIS data and services are subject to the Terms of Use # available at: # # If you see inaccuracies in the results, please report at # # # Copyright 1997-2019, American Registry for Internet Numbers, Ltd. #
The “type” attribute for the “style” element is not needed and should be omitted.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852556-path-1” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852556-path-16” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852556-path-19” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852556-path-21” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852556-path-33” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852556-MaskAppleiPhone11Purple” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852563-path-2” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852563-path-7” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852563-path-11” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852563-path-15” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852563-path-17” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852563-Combined-Shape” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852563-Sensor” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852563-path-23” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “1602081852563-Oval” was here.
Section lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all sections.
Attribute with the local name “xmlns:x” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute with the local name “xmlns:i” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute with the local name “xmlns:graph” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Unsupported SVG version specified. This validator only supports SVG 1.1. The recommended way to suppress this warning is to remove the “version” attribute altogether.
Attribute “i:extraneous” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Empty heading.
The first occurrence of ID “a-1602078100725” was here.
Article lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all articles.
The first occurrence of ID “Layer_1” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “surface1” was here.
This document appears to be written in Russian but the “html” start tag has “lang="en"”. Consider using “lang="ru"” (or variant) instead.
CSS: “src”: Missing a semicolon before the property name “unicode-range”.
CSS: “overflow-y”: “overlay” is not a “overflow-y” value.
CSS: “background-image”: “60%” is not a “color” value.
CSS: “max-width”: Too many values or values are not recognized.
Bad start tag in “img” in “head”.
An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.
Stray end tag “noscript”.
Element “style” not allowed as child of element “body” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
Stray end tag “head”.
Start tag “body” seen but an element of the same type was already open.
Attribute “loading” not allowed on element “img” at this point.
Element “img” is missing required attribute “src”.
Element “style” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
CSS: “font-family”: Missing a semicolon before the property name “object-fit”.
Attribute “idxlink” not allowed on element “svg” at this point.
Bad value “1602081852556-path-1” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-pattern-2” for attribute “id” on element “pattern”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-image-3” for attribute “id” on element “image”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-filter-4” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-linearGradient-5” for attribute “id” on element “linearGradient”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-path-6” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-filter-7” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-linearGradient-8” for attribute “id” on element “linearGradient”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-path-9” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-filter-10” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-path-11” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-filter-12” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-path-13” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-filter-14” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-linearGradient-15” for attribute “id” on element “linearGradient”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-path-16” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-filter-17” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-linearGradient-18” for attribute “id” on element “linearGradient”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-path-19” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-filter-20” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-path-21” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-filter-22” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-linearGradient-23” for attribute “id” on element “linearGradient”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-path-24” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-filter-25” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-path-26” for attribute “id” on element “rect”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-path-28” for attribute “id” on element “rect”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-filter-30” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-radialGradient-31” for attribute “id” on element “radialGradient”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-radialGradient-32” for attribute “id” on element “radialGradient”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-path-33” for attribute “id” on element “circle”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-filter-35” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-filter-36” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-filter-37” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-filter-38” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Apple-iPhone-11” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-AppleiPhone11PurpleWhite” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Combined-Shape” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Duplicate ID “1602081852556-path-1”.
Bad value “1602081852556-CombinedShape3AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-CombinedShape2AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-CombinedShape1AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-PlugAppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-GlassGlareAppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Glare2AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Glare1AppleiPhone11Purple-Copy” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-AntennaBandsAppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Antenna-Band4AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “rect”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Antenna-Band3AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “rect”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Antenna-Band2AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “rect”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Antenna-Band1AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “rect”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-ButtonsAppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-MuteAppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Duplicate ID “1602081852556-path-16”.
Bad value “1602081852556-Volume2AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Duplicate ID “1602081852556-path-19”.
Bad value “1602081852556-Volume1AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Duplicate ID “1602081852556-path-21”.
Bad value “1602081852556-SiriAppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-SpeakerAppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-mask-27” for attribute “id” on element “mask”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-MaskAppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “use”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Grid4AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Grid3AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Grid2AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Grid1AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-mask-29” for attribute “id” on element “mask”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-ShadowAppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-CameraAppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Oval-AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “circle”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-mask-34” for attribute “id” on element “mask”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Duplicate ID “1602081852556-path-33”.
Duplicate ID “1602081852556-MaskAppleiPhone11Purple”.
Bad value “1602081852556-MaskAppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Oval3AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Oval2AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “ellipse”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852556-Oval1AppleiPhone11Purple” for attribute “id” on element “ellipse”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Attribute “xlink” not allowed on element “svg” at this point.
Bad value “1602081852563-linearGradient-1” for attribute “id” on element “linearGradient”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-path-2” for attribute “id” on element “rect”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-pattern-3” for attribute “id” on element “pattern”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-image-4” for attribute “id” on element “image”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-filter-5” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-linearGradient-6” for attribute “id” on element “linearGradient”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-path-7” for attribute “id” on element “rect”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-pattern-8” for attribute “id” on element “pattern”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-image-9” for attribute “id” on element “image”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-filter-10” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-path-11” for attribute “id” on element “rect”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-pattern-12” for attribute “id” on element “pattern”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-image-13” for attribute “id” on element “image”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-filter-14” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-path-15” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-filter-16” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-path-17” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-filter-18” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-pattern-19” for attribute “id” on element “pattern”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-image-20” for attribute “id” on element “image”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-radialGradient-21” for attribute “id” on element “radialGradient”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-radialGradient-22” for attribute “id” on element “radialGradient”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-path-23” for attribute “id” on element “circle”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-filter-25” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-filter-26” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-filter-27” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-filter-28” for attribute “id” on element “filter”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-Apple-iPhone-11” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-AppleiPadPro11Silver” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-Buttons” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-Power” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Duplicate ID “1602081852563-path-2”.
Bad value “1602081852563-Volume-Up” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Duplicate ID “1602081852563-path-7”.
Bad value “1602081852563-Volume-Down” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Duplicate ID “1602081852563-path-11”.
Bad value “1602081852563-Combined-Shape-2” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-Combined-Shape” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Duplicate ID “1602081852563-path-15”.
Bad value “Combined-Shape-(inner-shadow)” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Duplicate ID “1602081852563-path-17”.
Duplicate ID “1602081852563-Combined-Shape”.
Bad value “1602081852563-Combined-Shape” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-Shape” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-Sensors” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-Sensor” for attribute “id” on element “circle”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Duplicate ID “1602081852563-Sensor”.
Bad value “1602081852563-Camera” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-Oval-” for attribute “id” on element “circle”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-mask-24” for attribute “id” on element “mask”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Duplicate ID “1602081852563-path-23”.
Bad value “1602081852563-Mask” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Bad value “1602081852563-Oval” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Duplicate ID “1602081852563-Oval”.
Bad value “1602081852563-Oval” for attribute “id” on element “ellipse”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.
Attribute “xmlns:x” not allowed here.
Attribute “xmlns:i” not allowed here.
Attribute “xmlns:graph” not allowed here.
Attribute “i:extraneous” not allowed on element “g” at this point.
CSS: “background”: “rgb(234 224 215)” is not a “background” value.
Element “div” not allowed as child of element “button” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
Duplicate ID “a-1602078100725”.
Bad value “auto” for attribute “height” on element “img”: Expected a digit but saw “a” instead.
Element “style” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
Element “div” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)